Play Blackjack

Best Black Jack Strategies

There are scores of online gambling games which are quite popular amongst gamblers and punters. There is no doubt that the internet has well and truly given a new meaning and definition as far as these games are concerned.

If we look at the various online gambling sites, you will certainly be able to come across scores of games. They could include games like Poker, Baccarat, Roulette, Rainbow Riches Slots, Fruit Machines and quite a few others.

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Black Jack is also one such card game which is hugely popular amongst millions of gamblers across the world. Hence it would be interesting to have some basic idea about the game.

We also will have a look at the right Black Jack strategy which could be helpful in playing the game with a purpose rather than playing it just for the fun of it. If you can learn and master the best Black Jack strategy, it will not be long before you can see some big money in it.


Best Black Jack Strategies


Blackjack is also referred to as twenty-one. It is according to many studies one of the most widely played casino banking game in the world today. It is a comparing card game between the dealer and the players.



In other words, players must compete not against themselves but the dealer. It usually played with one deck of 52 cards, and in many casino outlets, more than one deck of cards is used because of some obvious advantages and benefits.

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As the number of players increases, it is quite normal to go in for some decks of 52 cards each. Now that we have some basic idea about the game it would be interesting to have a look at Black Jack strategy chart and other such tools which could help you to win decent money as you fight it out with the dealers in an online environment or a brick and mortar environment.


Never Overstretch Yourself


One of the basic lessons when it comes to learning Blackjack is to start with a disciplined approach. It would be disastrous to go in for rented money or borrowed money.

You will never be able to make any big money, and on the other hand, you will mostly end up losing. Hence, you must set a budget for yourself and restrict to playing within that budget even if the day happens to be a losing or winning one.


Black Jack Strategy


It will help you to know where your limits are. You must restrain the temptation of going in for some borrowed money in case you have lost the bankroll which you have set apart for a day.

It is one of the most important Black Jack strategy table lessons which you must always keep in mind, and there cannot be any second opinion on this.

Trying to cover up small losses in a day with one big macro bet is a sure shot way to disaster as far as Blackjack is concerned. In fact, this applies to almost all online and brick and mortar gambling games.


The Right Mental Attitude


Apart from skill, there is something more important which you must always be aware of. It is about the attitude and the state of mind you are in when playing blackjack.

You must have a mental state which helps you to stay calm and focused when situations the other side may not exactly be in your favor. You must know how to behave and act in situations which are not exactly under your control. You must be prepared to lose some time and win only a few.



On an average, it has been found that you will end up losing 80% of the time, but it is the 20% winning occasions which you must focus on. It will most certainly offset the losses you have suffered, and you could end up coming home with a healthy bankroll.

Hence, before getting to understand more about Black Jack strategy engine and other such things it is important to ensure that you have the right attitude at all points of time.


Get to Know Something about Card Counting


Though not exactly legal, those who make big money in this game are known to be good at card counting. Hence you must be sure that you learn something more about card counting.

There are useful tips and strategies available on the internet that could help you to make the best as far as Black Jack strategy table planning is concerned. You may not be a math wizard, but even then, you can know some basic and easy tips as far as card counting is concerned.



For example, you must always try and hit a soft 17 and learn how to split aces and 8s and stand on a hard of 17. On the other side of the spectrum, you must never split 5s or 10s, and you should never stand on 12 through 16 if you find that the dealer is showing his strength with quite a few numbers of 7.

These are simple tips which could help you go a long way as far as making decent bucks in Blackjack is concerned.


Avoid the Inclination to Tip


It also is important, that you should tip the dealer if you find that there is a solid ground for tipping. Dealers are mostly honest, and since cameras watch them all through, they also cannot cheat even if they want to. 

Best Black Jack Strategies

Hence, players should try and avoid the desire and urge to tip the dealers without any rhyme or reasons.


Don’t Bother Too Much About the Shuffle


Shuffling is an integral part of blackjack, and it cannot be avoided. You must not lose sleep about shuffling unless of course, you are too bothered about counting the cards.



It would be impossible to track cards especially when the automatic shuffling machines are used. Professional players understand this better and therefore would not be too bothered about it.


Play Blackjack