Play Blackjack

Blackjack Strategy Table

There are plenty of advantages if you start your online gambling life with playing blackjack. Want to know some? How about discovering that blackjack strategy table is easier to grasp than other casino games? Or that the online casino has the lowest edge in blackjack, amidst all the other casino games?

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But no one can deny the first and foremost reason for the soaring popularity of blackjack, and that is- it’s quite simple to follow and play. If you are a first-time bettor groping your way forward in online blackjack world, then the following tips are for you to safeguard your interest.


Don’t Get Trapped Monetarily


Your bankroll is the wall you can fall back on, if things start to go astray. The first step towards securing your moolah is to chalk out a bankroll. Much like learning the nuances of blackjack strategy table, understanding the importance of bankroll is equally significant.


blackjack strategy table


So, when you are playing this game for the first time, choose a table that won’t demand an investment of more than 50% of your total bankroll.

Play Blackjack at Leovegas

Similarly, the enticing term ‘insurance’ is another monetary bait ambitious casino put forward to their customer and which, you should forego.

If you are quite inexperienced in how the online blackjack world rolls and the place of insurance in it, then hear it from us insurance is the choice the dealer offers to you, upon presenting an ace.

Do keep note that lapping up an insurance means parting way with half of your original betting amount. That too, depending upon the vagueness of whether the ace dealer has the blackjack with him or not!


Be Picky About Your Game and Strategy


Do you think that playing the all-time classic blackjack is sort of vanilla? Are you looking to have a gala time while gambling online? Then hold your horses for some time and be very choosy about the blackjack game you select to play first.


blackjack strategy table play


Now, the popular media may lead you to believe that starting off with an exotic option of blackjack is charming. But this can lead to a road of catastrophe unless you are a math wizard.

For others, the mere mortals hoping to begin the game with modest wagers, classic blackjack is the way to go. Memorizing and applying the blackjack strategy practically is another crucial part. Don’t you think that learning by rote the intrinsic basics of doubling down in blackjack is a huge task?

That’s why it’s always advisable to take several print outs of blackjack strategy card and distribute them in various places within your reach- inside your car, in the gym locker or among the stash of papers on your study table.



In this way, it will be easier for you to memorize why you should double down while holding a soft 13, 11 or 10; or why it’s beneficial to hit strike a soft 13.


Keep Your Feet Grounded


Keeping your feet grounded will save you from further heartbreak and economic ruin. No matter how inviting an online blackjack game seems, or how generous the amount of incentive is one should believe that the house will always have the edge over the bettor.

So, irrespective of strategies you have jotted down on paper and tips you have rote learned, the casino will have even a marginal advantage over you, at the end. That’s why it’s crucial mitigating all your necessary bills, rent, and EMIs of the month, before betting.

Progressive blackjack, perfect pairs, side bets are the terms to bear in mind before you start putting your stake online. These form the prerogative of the seasoned bettors and a prohibited area for first-timers.

Both progressive blackjack and perfect pairs offer alluring side bets and incentives, which almost push the dim-hearted to put forward more wager. That’s why it’s a golden rule amidst the clan of expert gamblers to start off with classic blackjack and then move way upward. Through this, you can enhance your skill.


Practice Makes You a ‘Pro’


Like everything else in life, apply the mantra of ‘practicing more’ in blackjack too. If you are reading up on this article, then it can be assumed that either a) you are a Pro of the blackjack game and fishing out for more suitable tips or b) you are a complete newbie in this game.


blackjack practice


What is the common thread that binds you both? The answer is the power of practice. Bovada is one of the most generous online casinos that present the enthusiastic player's lots of chances for practicing with free software.

Good Casinos is a reviewing site that lists down the pros and cons of online casinos with the disposal of free practice plays. Go through them to take your pick.

Practicing blackjack also allows mastering the trick, when to strike or stand in the game, based on what the dealer is holding. Never forget that a single deck offers around 30% share of cards with 10 face values. But to sharpen your instinct on guessing the face value of the card the dealer is holding, you must decipher the mystery of ‘hitting 10’.


Blackjack Strategy Card


So, a site like Bovada or SlotOnline Casino has reputed names in providing ample free opportunities to play and honing the instinct to guess the trickery by the dealer.


The Power of Splitting ‘Everything’


The word ‘splitting’ has a tough connotation in blackjack. You should nurture the hunch of knowing when to split anything and when not doing it. 

Like splitting 5s and 10s is quite self-destructive moves, as they can reduce your chance of drawing. If you have 10s in your hand, you can expect for a stunning return, even without lifting a finger to strike an ace.

In similar fashion, split 10s or 8s whenever you have them at your hand. Doing this will lead you to advantageous positions of drawing 18 per hand and double blackjacks, respectively.

Playing blackjack is nothing less than an adventure with equal proportions of highs and lows. With the right mixture of planning, execution, rationality and luck- you can have the time of your life, everything you strike or stand.


Play Blackjack