Play Blackjack

Strip Black Jack

Amongst the many gambling and casino games, there are reasons to believe, that blackjack is one of the unique and popular games. It is a game which has wide acceptance across the entire gambling world. With the internet being what it is, there will be a surge in demand for blackjack in online casinos.

There are many variants of this game and Strip Black Jack is a variant which is gaining a lot of acceptance amongst thousands of online gamblers. As many of us would be aware, this game is played against the dealer.


Strip Black Jack


There could be many other players sitting around you as a player. They usually sit at the same table, and the main difference between this game and other games is that you will not be playing against other people who are sitting around you. The main objective of this type of black jack is to try and get as close to 21 or 23.


type of blackjack


However, you must take care not to go overboard and cross it. Apart from the Strip Black Jack, there are many other variants of which one could be Samsung blackjack, Samsung blackjack II, just to name a few.

However, if you are new to this game, it would be better to opt for the standard variant of this game which is easy to understand and master especially for these who are beginners.


How to Become Successful?


To become successful in this game, there are a few important things which you must keep in mind. First and foremost, it is important to find out ways and means by which you could develop a winning strategy.

Once the strategy has been identified it is important to stick to it so that this could be a continuous practice. There are many such strategies which people are comfortable with.


Does Card Counting Work?


There are a few who used card counting as a proven and effective blackjack strategy. This is particularly very effective for those who are into the card-counting MIT group.

Though this could be a useful strategy for a few, there are experts who believe that this strategy is better suited for games like roulette. The strategy of counting cards might have worked till such time multiple card decks were introduced.



Hence, it would be pertinent to understand that card counting works well in a single deck blackjack game environment. However, today single deck games are not played in casinos, and they are more suited for home environments where friends, family members, and relatives are the main participants.

It would also be pertinent to know that most online and brick and mortar casinos allow only 4 decks at the minimum and it could be more in some situations. There are also automatic shufflers, and this makes card counting virtually impossible.


What Is the Best Way Forward?


Now that we know the shortcomings and disadvantages associated with card counting, we should try and come out with various other winnable and long-term strategies for being successful in this variant of online and offline gambling. 

According to many experts, the only proven, time-tested and successful strategy are the ones where people know how to make effective and productive use of blackjack strategy chart.


free Strip Black Jack


This, when combined with a successful winning system, could make all the difference. Even today many newcomers are not very sure about the right answers to the question as to how to play the variants of blackjack. Unless this is master, being a consistent performer and winner could often be a challenging and difficult task.


What Is So Special About Black Jack Strategy


There are many reasons why it makes sense to go in for a good blackjack strategy card.



The biggest and obvious reason is that it helps players to become consistent winners by coming out with right strategies which are customized and proven. They help a lot in learning the tricks of the trade step by step and help players in their unlearning process.

Those, who are into playing blackjack for long periods of time, have card counting deeply engrained in their DNA so to say. Hence, the first task is to unlearn and throw this strategy out because it no longer works in a live gaming environment.


Why Could This Be a Winning Formula?


It is obvious and natural for many to question this strategy and they are justified in doing so. The answer lies in looking at those players who have made this strategy as a part of their regular habit.

It is quite likely that a majority of big winner in strip blackjack would certainly be using this strategy and therefore the proof of the pudding is there in the eating. There are players who have literally brought down house within a short period. There are many instances where players are known to win big money in various casinos.


Strip Black Jack


Many of them have also been accused of cheating because of the sudden spurt in winning sequences and that too against seemingly insurmountable odds.


It Could Raise Many Eyebrows


There also have been many instances where players who have been following this strategy card have been taken aside and have been questioned for a long time. The casino gaming owners and service providers would like to be doubly sure that no unfair means are being used because regularly beating the house is not an easy job.

It is obvious that each time you go out and play blackjack using such strategies your winning chances go up by 5%. This will take the time to master, and it will not be long before the 5% slowly inches up and perhaps even reaches 95% over a period.

Once this happens it will be a mere cakewalk, and you will have reasons to feel satisfied that you have unlearned something and learned a new strategy which has been time-tested and proven. As of now there seemingly are no better strategies as far as winning big money in black jack is concerned.


Play Blackjack